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Tver Toys and Other Folk Art

The history of Tver folk art dates back to 1935 when the Art Products Artel (i.e., артель "Художественные изделия") gathered together many regional artisans. After a growth spurt in the 1950's-60's, it diversified into a sizable enterprise in 1975. Its new name became The Kalinin Association of Art Crafts and Toys (Калининское производственное объединение художественных изделий и игрушек). The turbulent 1990's saw the company privatized, which created new difficulties as well as neglect of its famus wood crafts. Today, the company is one of the founders of the association "Folk arts and crafts of the Tver region", and is also part of the "Folk arts and crafts of Russia."

The main production of the company has always been wood work crafts with decorative poker work, as well as interesting carving and painting with acrylic dyes. There is significant manual labor involved in producing its products, evident especially in the details, which, in turn, gives each item a uniqueness. To get to a finished product, a great many stages are needed. Wood is felled, then sawed into block and timber, trimmed, again sawed to size, profiled (carved), assembled and then burnt and painted. Most of the items here are vintage. (Note: some of the arts and crafts here are from other nearby arts and crafts centers.)

  • Bogorodsk Hand Carved Chess Set ( Шахматы ручной работы).  The kings are woodsmen. The queens have plaited braids. The bishops, aka officers, are bears holding rifles. Tall pines are the rooks, knights are horses, and sixteen pawns carved to resemble tree stumps fill out the set.

    Chess Set [Vintage]

    Bogorodsk Hand Carved Chess Set ( Шахматы ручной работы).  The kings are woodsmen. The queens have plaited braids. The bishops, aka officers, are bears holding rifles. Tall pines are the rooks, knights are horses, and sixteen pawns carved to...
  • A Boy Fashions a Horse (Мальчик лепит лошадку) USSR Kalinin Thermometer

    Boy Fashions a Horse Kalinin Thermometer [Vintage]

    A Boy Fashions a Horse (Мальчик лепит лошадку). A young man carves out a playroom horse. Exquisite folk image. When souvenirs were classy! Hand made from wood and then painted. Wall mounting. Fine condition. Temperature reads in Celsius*. USSR, made in...
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  • Peasant with Shield and Spear [Kalinin Toy Factory] 1970s

    Peasant with Shield and Spear [Kalinin]

    Peasant (Bauer) with Spear and Shield (Крестьянин (Бауэр) с копьем и щитом). Hamd made wooden figure portrays a steely peasant wearing a red embroidered shirt and an elaborate helmet, tall spear and shield. Unusual and collectible arts and crafts piece...
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  • Peasant with Cannon and Spear [Kalinin Toy circa 1970-1980]

    Peasant with Cannon and Spear [Kalinin]

    Peasant (Bauer) with Spear and Cannon (Русский крестьянин (Бауэр) с копьем и пушкой). Handmade tableau figure mounted on a wood base that portrays a stern village peasant standing alongside a simple cannon and clasping a large spear. Unusual and...
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  • Giant Head Box [Tver]

    Giant Head [Tver]

    The Giant Slumbering Head. The disembodied giant head belongs to the brother of the wizard "Chernomor" from the Tale of Ruslan and Ludmila. The sword which lies underneath the head is off to the side. Helmet removes to reveal a box. Made in Tver when it...
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  • Leschy (Лещий) Goblin Bobblehead

    Goblin Bobblehead [Лещий) [Tver]

    Leschy (Лещий) Goblin Bobblehead. The Leshy (aka Leschi) is part of Russian folk culture and is a type of goblin or grandfatherly forest spirit and is a guardian of the woods. He can assume any likeness and change in size and height. Here he is...
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  • Snow White and 7 Dwarfs Play Set

    Snow White and 7 Dwarfs Play Set [Vintage]

     Snow White and 7 Dwarfs Play Set. The famous and well-known (thanks to Disney) fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was first related in 1812 when the Brothers Grimm gathered it together with other old European folk stories. It is believed...
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  • Fedoseyevo Village Troika "Splinter Toy"

    Fedoseyevo Troika Nizhni-Novgorod "Splinter Toy"

    Fedoseyevo Troika (Федосеевская Тройка -Нижний Новгород). A team of three horses with simple painted patterns and "furry" tails. Originating out of the Nizhny-Novgorod region, not far from the town of Semenov, these bright colored and lightweight movable...
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