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Orthodox Church

  • О воззрениях русского народа. Марина Михайловна Громыко, Александр Викторович Буганов. (Gromyko, Buganov: On the views of the Russian people.) Паломник, 2007. 528 pages, black and white illustrations. IN RUSSIAN.

    On the views of the Russian people IN RUSSIAN

    О воззрениях русского народа. Марина Михайловна Громыко, Александр Викторович Буганов. (Gromyko, Buganov: On the views of the Russian people.) Паломник, 2007. 528 pages, black and white illustrations. IN RUSSIAN. Hardcover, decorative endpapers. In near...
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  • Russian Heritage (aka Память Росси;: Visages de la Russie; In Russlands Gedenken). Russian Architectural Heritage that covers Moscow, Leningrad (at the time), Novgorod, Pskov, Kizhi, Yaroslavl,Solovki, Rostov the Great, Vladimir-Suzdal, Volga region, etc. An interesting title. 20-page preface in Russian by Gustav Boguslavsky. With a booklet supplement with text summary in English, French, German and detailed captions of the 546 black and white photos.

    Russian Architectural Heritage [Photo-album, 1969]

    Russian Heritage (aka Память Росси;: Visages de la Russie; In Russlands Gedenken). Russian Architectural Heritage that covers Moscow, Leningrad (at the time), Novgorod, Pskov, Kizhi, Yaroslavl,Solovki, Rostov the Great, Vladimir-Suzdal, Volga region, etc...
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  • (Patericon of Kiev-Pechersk. Volume 1. Devotees of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra of the XI-XV centuries. And the ancient saints counted among her wonderworkers.)

    Kiev-Pechersk Patericon IN RUSSIAN

    Патерик Киево-Печерский. Том 1. Подвижники Киево-Печерской лавры XI-XV в. И древние святые, причисляемые к ее чудотворцам. (Patericon of Kiev-Pechersk. Volume 1. Devotees of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra of the XI-XV centuries. And the ancient saints counted...
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  • Biography of His Beatitude Metropolitan Antony [Church Slavonic]

    Biography of His Beatitude Metropolitan Antony [Church Slavonic]

    Жизнеописание блаженнейшего Антония, митрополита Киевского и Галицкого. Biography of His Beatitude Metropolitan Antony, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia. Metropolitan Antony, or Anthony (secular name Aleksey Pavlovich Khrapovitsky). Bishop Antony...
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  • SALE
    Rublev in the Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery

    Rublev in the Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery [RUSSIAN]

    А. Рублев в Собрания Государственной Третьяковской Галереи (A. Rublev in the Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery).  E. K. Guseva. TEXT IN RUSSIAN. Full color reproductions of the icons painted by Andrei Rublev that are in the State...
    Was: $15.00
    Now: $9.95
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  • Churches and Monasteries

    Churches and Monasteries

    Architecture of Russia from Old to Modern: Churches and Monasteries (Volume 1). Published by the Russian Orthodox Youth Committee, 1973. 296 pages, profusely illustrated with more than 300 black and white and color photos. Text in Russian and English. An...
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  • Christian Philosophy of St. John of Kronstadt [IN RUSSIAN]

    Christian Philosophy of St. John of Kronstadt [IN RUSSIAN]

    Христианская философия. Святой праведный Иоанн Кронштадтский. (Christian Philosophy of St. John of Kronstadt.) IN RUSSIAN. A collection of selected diary entries of Father John of Kronstadt from 1899 to 1902. Contents include his thoughts in the...