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  • Н. Славина (N. Slavina). I. B. Chizhova. (И. Б. Чихова) USSR:‎ Khudozhnik RSFSR", 1988. IN RUSSIAN. 179 pages. Many color and black and white illustrations.

    Lomonosov Artist Nina Slavina [RUSSIAN]

    Н. Славина (N. Slavina). I. B. Chizhova. (И. Б. Чихова). Nina Pavlovna Slavina (1928-2000) worked at the Lomonosov Porcelain Factory as a celebrated artist as well as an art critic. She studied at the Leningrad Higher School of Art and Industry named...
  • Engraving from the Time of Peter the Great (Гравюра Петровского Времени). M. Alexeeva. RUSSIAN TEXT. The book is the first to comprehensively cover the issues of the formation and development of engraving art in the time of Peter the Great (1700s). The engravings that have survived to this day are striking works of art and valuable documents on the history of Russia, in particular, on the history of military affairs, shipbuilding, and urban development.

    Engraving from the Time of Peter the Great [RUSSIAN TEXT]

    Engraving from the Time of Peter the Great (Гравюра Петровского Времени). M. Alexeeva. RUSSIAN TEXT. The book is the first to comprehensively cover the issues of the formation and development of engraving art in the time of Peter the Great (1700s). The...
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  • Russian Heritage (aka Память Росси;: Visages de la Russie; In Russlands Gedenken). Russian Architectural Heritage that covers Moscow, Leningrad (at the time), Novgorod, Pskov, Kizhi, Yaroslavl,Solovki, Rostov the Great, Vladimir-Suzdal, Volga region, etc. An interesting title. 20-page preface in Russian by Gustav Boguslavsky. With a booklet supplement with text summary in English, French, German and detailed captions of the 546 black and white photos.

    Russian Architectural Heritage [Photo-album, 1969]

    Russian Heritage (aka Память Росси;: Visages de la Russie; In Russlands Gedenken). Russian Architectural Heritage that covers Moscow, Leningrad (at the time), Novgorod, Pskov, Kizhi, Yaroslavl,Solovki, Rostov the Great, Vladimir-Suzdal, Volga region, etc...
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  • State Museum of Arts of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

    State Museum of Arts of the Karakalpak [IN RUSSIAN]

    Savitsky, I.V. State Museum of Arts of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Государственный музей искусств Каракалпакской АССР). Book describes three departments of the State Museum of Arts of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist...
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  • Tamara Moiseeva. Architectural Monuments of Moscow: Earthworks Town).   Volume 3 in the series "Architectural Monuments of Moscow". First edition of a lovingly produced and well-researched hardcover on the architectural history of the Earthen City, an old part of Moscow, between the Kremlin and Kitai Gorod.

    Architectural Monuments of Moscow [RUSSIAN TEXT]

    Тамара Моисеева. Памятники архитектуры Москвы: Земляной город. (Tamara Moiseeva. Architectural Monuments of Moscow: Earthworks Town).   Volume 3 in the series "Architectural Monuments of Moscow". First edition of a lovingly produced and...
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  • Русская Миниатюра На Эмали (Russian Enamel Miniatures). G.N. Komelova. Miniatures on enamel were widespread in Russia in the XVIII century. The types of works included ceremonial and intimate portraits, ancient and biblical subjects, - led by a group of highly talented miniaturists including G. Musikiysky, A. Ovsov, A. Chernov, P. Zharkov, D. Evreynov, and others.

    Russian Enamel Miniatures [IN RUSSIAN]

    Русская Миниатюра На Эмали (Russian Enamel Miniatures). G.N. Komelova. Miniatures on enamel were widespread in Russia in the XVIII century. The types of works included ceremonial and intimate portraits, ancient and biblical subjects, - led by a group of...
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