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Churches and Icons

A selection of both in-print and out-of-print books on icons, churches and Russian Orthodoxy. 

  • Monasteries and Convents of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad: An Historical Review. George Seide. English translation by Theophilos Lasswell. Munich: Monastery of Saint Job of Pochaev. 210 pages. Standard paperback in very good condition. illustrations and a bibliography.

    Monasteries and Convents of ROCOR [1990]

    Monasteries and Convents of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad: An Historical Review. George Seide. English translation by Theophilos Lasswell. Munich: Monastery of Saint Job of Pochaev. 210 pages. Standard paperback in very good condition. illustrations...
  • Golden Ring: Old Towns Around Moscow. Fiodor Kudriavtsev. USSR (Leningrad): Aurora Art Publishers, 1974. 230 pages, 117 illustrations. Text is in both English and Russian. Hardcover with dustjacket in a clear protective jacket cover. Map endpapers. Near fine condition, no ownership marks. Photo-filled overview of historic sites in and around Moscow, including Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, Zagorsk (today Sergiev Posad), Bogoliubovo, Kostroma, and many more.

    Golden Ring: Old Towns Around Moscow [1974]

    Golden Ring: Old Towns Around Moscow. Fiodor Kudriavtsev. Photo-filled overview of historic sites in and around Moscow, including Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, Zagorsk (today Sergiev Posad), Bogoliubovo, Kostroma, and many more. USSR (Leningrad): Aurora...
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  • The Church Culture of St. Petersburg. Viacheslav Mukhin. St. Petersburg: Ivan Fedorov, 1994. Large hardcover with dustjacket in a clear protective jacket cover. 256 pages. Some wear to covers, text near fine. With 108 black and white illustr., and 112 in color. Text is in English.

    Church Culture of St. Petersburg

    The Church Culture of St. Petersburg. Viacheslav Mukhin. St. Petersburg: Ivan Fedorov, 1994. An exemplary exploration of the main churches, revered icons, local saints, and holy places of St. Petersburg from 1721 to 1917. Mukhin shows how the many works...
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  • Sophia Kievskaya (Софія Київська). IN UKRAINIAN. Kyiv: Mistetstvo, 1971.

    Cathedral of the St. Sophia [UKRAINIAN] 1971

    Sophia Kievskaya (Софія Київська). IN UKRAINIAN. Kyiv: Mistetstvo, 1971. A celebration of architecture, and of the mosaics and frescoes of the Cathedral of the St. Sophia, built in Kyiv in 1037. It was named after Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) Cathedral in...
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  • A Thousand Years of Christianity in Ukraine: An Encyclopedic Chronology. Compiled and edited by Osyp Zinkewych and Andrew Sorokowski. CA (Toronto): Smoloskyp Publishers, 1988.

    A Thousand Years of Christianity in Ukraine

    A Thousand Years of Christianity in Ukraine: An Encyclopedic Chronology. Compiled and edited by Osyp Zinkewych and Andrew Sorokowski. CANADA (Toronto): Smoloskyp Publishers, 1988. 312 pages. Profusely illustrated with black and white and color plates...
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  • ICONS. Introduced by by T. Talbot Rice. NJ: Wellfleet Press, 1990. (A reprint of the British edition published by Studio Editions.) Richly illustrated in color.

    Icons [T. Talbot Rice] 1990

    Icons. Introduced by T. Talbot Rice.  Rich full-page color images of Greek and Slavic Orthodox icons on the right page with descriptive text on the left. NJ: Wellfleet Press, 1990. (A reprint of the British edition published by Studio Editions.)...
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  • SALE
    Rublev in the Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery

    Rublev in the Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery [RUSSIAN]

    А. Рублев в Собрания Государственной Третьяковской Галереи (A. Rublev in the Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery).  E. K. Guseva. TEXT IN RUSSIAN. Full color reproductions of the icons painted by Andrei Rublev that are in the State...
    Was: $15.00
    Now: $9.95
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  • Architecture of Russia from Old to Modern: Churches and Monasteries (Volume 1). An amazing compendium of Orthodox churches and monasteries before the age of glasnost. Published by the Russian Orthodox Youth Committee, 1973. 296 pages, profusely illustrated with more than 300 black and white and color photos. Text in Russian and English.

    Churches and Monasteries: Architecture of Russia

    Architecture of Russia from Old to Modern: Churches and Monasteries (Volume 1). An amazing compendium of Orthodox churches and monasteries before the age of glasnost. Published by the Russian Orthodox Youth Committee, 1973. 296 pages, profusely...
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