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  • The Last Tsar. Larissa Yermilova. Considered a major pictorial presentation of the Romanovs, including Nicholas I, Alexander II and his family, Alexander III and his family, but overall emphasis is on Nicholas II and his family. Many photos were, at the time, unseen. Text in the beginning puts the Romanovs into historical context. London: Sirocco, 2002. 256 pages, profusely illustrated. English edition, translated from the Russian.

    The Last Tsar [Yermilova]

    The Last Tsar. Larissa Yermilova. Considered a major pictorial presentation of the Romanovs, including Nicholas I, Alexander II and his family, Alexander III and his family, but overall emphasis is on Nicholas II and his family. Many photos were, at the...
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  • FL: Dramco, 1992. 1st edition. 700 pages. Russian Heraldry and Nobility. Donald Mandich and Joseph Placek. Russian heraldry appeared much later than in most other European countries and by the late 17th century, it achieved great significance. This ambitious and comprehensive tome uses as its primary source the "General Armorial of the Noble Families of the Russian Empire" (Общий Гербовник Дворянских Родов Всеросийской Империи), originally published from 1797 to 1840 serially in 10 volumes by the Russian Government. Included is a History of Russian Heraldry and its structure, a comprehensive accounting of blazons of family arms and their colors, and peculiarities and differences compared to the West.

    Russian Heraldry and Nobility

    Russian Heraldry and Nobility. Donald Mandich and Joseph Placek. Russian heraldry appeared much later than in most other European countries and by the late 17th century, it achieved great significance. This ambitious and comprehensive tome uses as its...
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  • Tsar: The Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra. Peter Kurth (text), Peter Christopher (photos).  MA (Boston): Little, Brown and Company, 1995. 229 pages. Stated first edition hardcover with an unclipped ($60) dustjacket in a clear protective jacket cover. Photo reproduction endpapers. Introduction by Edvard Radzinsky, acknowledgments, credits, bibliography.

    Tsar: Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra [1st]

      Tsar: The Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra. Peter Kurth, text with photos by Peter Christopher. This lushly illustrated history relates the story of the last Romanov family in vivid detail and rare intimate and private images and photos...
  • Spala, the Royal Residence. Poland: Wydawnictwo CEL Konstancin-Jeziorna, 2011. Quarto hardcover, pictorial boards. 144 pages. 131 archival photographs, never-published documents, and a wealth of fascinating facts.

    Spala, the Royal Residence

    Spala, the Royal Residence (Spala, carska rezydencja). Svetlana Chestnykh, Karen L. Kettering, Michal Sloniewski. A group of historians from three countries joined forces to find and save traces of an almost unknown world of Imperial Russian hunting and...
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  • Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule (Imperial Russia). Richard Wortman. Academic Studies Press, 2013. [Abridged edition.] 332 pages. 12 scholarly articles by Wortman organized by Monarchy and Law, Family and Nation, Monarch and Nation, Monarchy and Imperial State. Footnotes, a bibliography of the author's works, and an index.

    Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule [Wortman]

    Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule (Imperial Russia). Richard Wortman. Academic Studies Press, 2013. [Abridged edition.] 332 pages. 12 scholarly articles by Wortman organized by Monarchy and Law, Family and Nation, Monarch and Nation, Monarchy and...
  • GA (Athens}: Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, 2013. 230 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket in a clear protective jacket cover. Royal purple illustrated endpapers, many full color and black and white illustrations.

    Art Patronage of Catherine the Great (1762-1796)

    Exuberance of Meaning: The Art Patronage of Catherine the Great (1762-1796). Asen Kirin (curator), et al. This companion book to an exhibition in 2013-2014 at the Georgia Musuem of Art catalogues more than 60 works of art and books, most of which...
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  • Henri Troyat. Alexander of Russia: Napoleon's Conqueror. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1982. First edition, stated. Hardcover with dustjacket in clear jacket cover. 336 pages. Near fine in an about fine jacket.

    Alexander of Russia {Henri Troyat] 1st ed

    Henri Troyat. Alexander of Russia: Napoleon's Conqueror. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1982. First edition, stated. Hardcover with dustjacket in clear jacket cover. 336 pages. Near fine in an about fine jacket. In Paris and London, the crowds hailed him as the...
  • Sunlight at Midnight [W. Bruce Lincoln]

    Sunlight at Midnight [W. Bruce Lincoln]

    Sunlight at Midnight: St. Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia. W. Bruce Lincoln. Blurb from the bookjacket: "The city of St. Petersburg has encompassed all that Russians are and all that they hope to become. Home to Peter and Catherine the Great, it...
  • Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko, editors. A Lifelong Passion: Nicolas and Alexandra, Their Own Story. Translated from original documents by Darya Galy. British edition.

    A Lifelong Passion: Nicholas and Alexandra [UK edition]

    Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko, editors. A Lifelong Passion: Nicolas and Alexandra, Their Own Story. Translated from original documents by Darya Galy. British edition. A Lifelong Passion begins in 1884 with the couple's first childhood meeting...
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  • Pavlovsk Palace & Park. USSR (Leningrad): Aurora Art Publishers, 1975. 1st edition. Over 300 pages, profusely illustrated in color together with an historically informative and fascinating text in English. Index, bibliography, and floor plans. The Palace of Pavlovsk is one of the finest structures in St. Petersburg and it houses an extraordinary collection of art treasures.

    Pavlovsk Palace & Park

    Anatoly M. Kuchumov (Author), A. Travlinsky (Translator), J. Hine (Translator). Pavlovsk Palace & Park. USSR (Leningrad): Aurora Art Publishers, 1975. 1st edition. Over 300 pages, profusely illustrated in color together with an historically...
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  • Russian Imperial Style by Laura Cerwinske.

    Russian Imperial Style [Cerwinske, 1990]

    Laura Cerwinske. Russian Imperial Style.  An elegant and beautifully illustrated, full-color paean to the lost world of 19th century Russia's aristocratic opulence melded with formal design. Cerwinske (1948-) focuses on eye-catching object d'art,...
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  • Coryne Hall. Little Mother of Russia: A Biography of Empress Marie Fedorovna (1847-1928). Empress Marie Feodorovna, consort of the next-to-last Tsar of Russia (Alexander III, father of Nicholas II). A daughter of the king of Denmark, Marie exchanged the informality of her native country for an opulent yet rigid Russian court life, but the premature death of her husband in 1894 devastated her. NY: Holmes & Meier, 2001. 402 pages. Black & white plate photographic illustrations. Endpapers with a detailed genealogy of the Russian Imperial family. Index, extensive bibliography, notes and a postscript.

    Biography of Empress Marie Fedorovna

    Coryne Hall. Little Mother of Russia: A Biography of Empress Marie Fedorovna (1847-1928). Empress Marie Feodorovna, consort of the next-to-last Tsar of Russia (Alexander III, father of Nicholas II). A daughter of the king of Denmark, Marie exchanged the...
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  • Ekaterina Meshcherskaya. A Russian Princess Remembers. The mesmerizing, well-written and harrowing memoirs of a Russian princess, her family and her 19th century life, and who survived the Russian revolution by staying her home country. 
NY: Doubleday, 1989. 1st edition. 228 pages. Photo illustrations.

    A Russian Princess Remembers

    Ekaterina Meshcherskaya. A Russian Princess Remembers. The mesmerizing, well-written and harrowing memoirs of a Russian princess, her family and her 19th century life, and who survived the Russian revolution by staying in her home country. NY:...
  • Margrethe Floryan. Gardens of the Tsars: A Study of the Aesthetics, Semantics and Uses of Late 18th Century Russian Gardens. Dr. Floryan traces the development of the Russian garden tradition during Catherine's reign in the dual context of Russian roots and Western influence. Through the eyes of 18th century poets, painters, and scholars, she reconstructs the appearance of the 18th century parks and recreates the experiences of their visitors.

    Gardens of the Tsars

    Margrethe Floryan. Gardens of the Tsars: A Study of the Aesthetics, Semantics and Uses of Late 18th Century Russian Gardens. Dr. Floryan traces the development of the Russian garden tradition during Catherine's reign in the dual context of Russian roots...
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  • Carl Fabergé: Goldsmith to the Imperial Court of Russia. Peter Carl Gustavovich Fabergé (1846-1920) raised the creation of fine jewelry and fantasy objects to their highest point in history. Although he is famous for the Imperial Easter Eggs his firm created, the House of Faberge produced many fine objects, which included silver tableware, elegant picture frames, fabulous miniature hardstone animals and ornaments, and fine jewelry - all of exceptional quality and beauty. Of the many black and white and color photographs of these exquisite objects, the author additionally takes us into Faberge's studio for an inside look.

    Carl Faberge Goldsmith to Imperial Russia

    A. Kenneth Snowman. Carl Fabergé: Goldsmith to the Imperial Court of Russia. Peter Carl Gustavovich Fabergé (1846-1920) raised the creation of fine jewelry and fantasy objects to their highest point in history. Although he is famous for the...
  • Henri Troyat. Alexander of Russia: Napoleon's Conqueror. 1982. Paperback, part of the Grove Great Lives Series. 336 pages. Used, like new.

    Alexander of Russia {Henri Troyat]

    Henri Troyat. Alexander of Russia: Napoleon's Conqueror. 1982. Paperback, part of the Grove Great Lives Series. 336 pages. Used, like new. Touch of wear at the extremities, sound binding, no names or writing. In Paris and London, the crowds hailed him as...
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