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Books on Orthodoxy

Books found here include icons, ancient Russian texts, monasteries and churches, both in Russian and in English. 

  • Orthodox America 1794-1976: Development of the Orthodox Church in America. Constance J. Tarasar, John H. Erickson, editors. NY: Syosset, The Orthodox Church in America, Department of History and Archives.

    Orthodox America 1794-1976

    Orthodox America 1794-1976: Development of the Orthodox Church in America. Constance J. Tarasar, John H. Erickson, editors. A history of the Orthodox Church in America, with photographs and accounts of the growth of the churches in the United States. NY:...
  • (Patericon of Kiev-Pechersk. Volume 1. Devotees of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra of the XI-XV centuries. And the ancient saints counted among her wonderworkers.)

    Kiev-Pechersk Patericon IN RUSSIAN

    Патерик Киево-Печерский. Том 1. Подвижники Киево-Печерской лавры XI-XV в. И древние святые, причисляемые к ее чудотворцам. (Patericon of Kiev-Pechersk. Volume 1. Devotees of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra of the XI-XV centuries. And the ancient saints counted...
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  • Biography of His Beatitude Metropolitan Antony [Church Slavonic]

    Biography of His Beatitude Metropolitan Antony [Church Slavonic]

    Жизнеописание блаженнейшего Антония, митрополита Киевского и Галицкого. Biography of His Beatitude Metropolitan Antony, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia. Metropolitan Antony, or Anthony (secular name Aleksey Pavlovich Khrapovitsky). Bishop Antony...
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  • Christian Philosophy of St. John of Kronstadt [IN RUSSIAN]

    Christian Philosophy of St. John of Kronstadt [IN RUSSIAN]

    Христианская философия. Святой праведный Иоанн Кронштадтский. (Christian Philosophy of St. John of Kronstadt.) IN RUSSIAN. A collection of selected diary entries of Father John of Kronstadt from 1899 to 1902. Contents include his thoughts in the...