Product Description
Патерик Киево-Печерский. Том 1. Подвижники Киево-Печерской лавры XI-XV в. И древние святые, причисляемые к ее чудотворцам. (Patericon of Kiev-Pechersk. Volume 1. Devotees of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra of the XI-XV centuries. And the ancient saints counted among her wonderworkers.) IN RUSSIAN. Edited by V. Dyatlov.
The “Paterikon” was gradually formed in the 11th-15th centuries, and was subsequently repeatedly revised and supplemented. This “Kievo-Pechersk Patericon" was edited by contemporary historian and writer V. Dyatlov as a way to experience the understanding of the connection of the patristic heritage of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It is the initial attempt to compile the lives of the holy fathers of Orthodox monasticism. Borrowing this genre from Byzantine books, the compilers of the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon dedicated this collection to the ascetics of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
Published by Kievo-Pecherskaya Uspenska Lavra, 2004. Hardcover with some color illustrations as well black and white illustrations. 416 pages. Scarce title, out of print. 1 copy available.