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What's Left [Lomonosov]

Many patterns are here, and most destined to be discontinued. Plus, the war. Check out Teacups For Collectors  for even more unusual patterns.

  • Breakfast (aka French) 4pc Tea Set. A lovely tea set from the Lomonosov Porcelain Factory consisting of a 3-cup teapot, a creamer and lidded sugar bowl and a cake plate. Blue "Hand Decorated LFZ 1744 St. Petersburg, Russia" and factory holograph sticker. Made for export.

    French Breakfast 4pc Tea Set [Lomonosov]

    Breakfast (aka French) 4pc Tea Set. A lovely tea set from the Lomonosov Porcelain Factory consisting of a 3-cup teapot, a creamer and lidded sugar bowl and a cake plate. Blue "Hand Decorated LFZ 1744 St. Petersburg, Russia" and factory holograph sticker...
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  • Summer-time (Лето) Coffee Cup, Saucer and Plate USSR Lomonosov

    Summer-Time Set of 3 [Lomonosov]

    Summer-time (Лето) Coffee Cup, Saucer and Plate. An uncommon three-piece set hand decorated with brightly painted summer flowers, leaves and garlands. Trimmed with 22Kt gold. "Made in USSR" Lomonosov export backstamp. Cup is 2½" high and...
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  • SALE
    Bluebells Bone China Tea Cup and Saucer

    Bluebells Bone China Tea Cup and Saucer

    Bluebells Bone China Tea Cup and Saucer. Delicate colorful flowers on a milky white background. Older burgundy "Made in Russia" backstamp.  Cup is 3" high, 2½" diameter at the yop, saucer is 4¾". 1 only.
    Was: $20.00
    Now: $14.95
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  • Cobalt Frieze Porcelain Plate.  Elegant Lomonosov porcelain plate will complement your tea parties. "Cobalt Frieze" design uses 22Kt gold enhancements. Blue Lomonosov export mark. 7" in diameter.

    Cobalt Frieze Plate [7"]

    Cobalt Frieze Porcelain Plate.  Elegant Lomonosov porcelain plate will complement your tea parties. "Cobalt Frieze" design uses 22Kt gold enhancements. Blue Lomonosov export mark. 7" in diameter. Six available.
  • Arches Dessert Plate [Lomonosov]

    Arches Dessert Plate [Lomonosov]

    Arches (Арочки) Dessert Plate. A beautiful design with 22 Kt gold rosette flowers painted on a classic blue arch background. Additional 22 Kt gold enhanced embellishments create a dessert plate of delicate beauty and Old World elegance. Lomonosov...
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  • SALE
    Blue Rhapsody Dessert Plate

    Blue Rhapsody Dessert Plate [Lomonosov]

    Blue Rhapsody Dessert Plate. Blue Rhapsody is the name given by several importers to this classic pattern, now discontinued. It was created by the legendary Russian designer, Nina Sergeyevna Slavina. Her name for this pattern is Лучистая Нежность, which...
    Was: $20.00
    Now: $9.95
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  • 7" Winding Twig Dessert Plate

    Winding Twig Dessert Plate

    Winding Twig (Вьюнок) Dessert 7" Plate. Use for serving cake, bread, desserts. Winding Twig is the name given to the bindweed, or morning glory, family of herbs, trees and shrubs. The Latin name for these plants is "to wind" (family...
  • SALE
    Bridesmaid Dessert Plate

    Bridesmaid Dessert Plate

    Bridesmaid Basket (Корзиночка) Dessert Plate. Delicate shades of blue hand painted with blue flowers and a basket pattern. Additional 22Kt gold florets and gold enhanced embellishments create a dessert plate of delicate beauty and Old World elegance...
    Was: $20.00
    Now: $9.95
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