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Travel / Wedding Diptych Icons

Traditional Russian wedding or travel diptych icons housed in an attractive case. Each image of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary is printed on gold and silver foil and mounted on wood. Made in Russia. 

  • Wedding Diptych

    Wedding Diptych

    Wedding Diptych. The Mother of God of Vladimir is a celebrated Orthodox icon of the Eleusa type, which means Tenderness in Greek (Umileniye in Russian.) The relationship between Mother and Child is expressed with great emphasis. Christ, as a child,...
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  • Christ with Saints (Христос со святыми) Triptych Icon. Christ Pantocrator is here painted together with two founders of the Orthodox Christian church, Saint Peter and Saint Paul.  Christ holds a gospel, and signs a blessing. He is wears a blue himation and a softly colored tunic. The icon of St. Peter is to his left and that of St Peter is to his right.

    Christ with Saints Triptych Icon

    Christ with Saints (Христос со святыми) Triptych Icon. Christ Pantocrator is here painted together with two important founders of the Orthodox Christian church, Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Christ holds a gospel, and signs a blessing. He wears a blue...
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