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Dulevo (sometimes Dulyovo) Porcelain Works (Дулевскй фарфоровый завод) is one of the most famous Russian (and former Soviet) porcelain manufacturers. The works were founded in the Dulevo wasteland (now Likino-Dulevo) in 1832 by famed Russian merchant Terenti Kuznetsov (Теренти Кузнецов). From 1889-1917 it was part of the Kuznetsov firm. It went through some upheavals during the early Soviet era, but was revived in 1960 and flowered in 1970-1990. Today it is still one of the biggest firms in Europe.

  • Wrestlers (Борьба aka Борцы)[Dulevo, 1959]

    Wrestlers (Борцы) [Dulevo, 1959]

    Wrestlers (Борьба aka Борцы). Dulevo, 1959. Courageous and expressive faces and tense muscles in a tenacious battle. No one is giving in yet. The sculptor of this piece was Pavel Mikhailovich Kozhin (1904-1975), who was appointed the leading sculptor of...
  • Horoscope Monkey [Dulevo]

    Year of the Monkey [Dulevo ] 1992

    Monkey 1992. From the series "Horoscope". 1992 was the year of the monkey (as was 2004, 2016, etc.). Gold enhanced details, blue striped shirt and a book with the date 1992. The monkey is a symbol of selflessness, mutual assistance, dexterity and...
  • Bear Cub Fine Porcelain Honey Jar [Dulevo] "Made in USSR" with the Dulevo (Дулево) Porcelain Works backstamp indicates these were made for export during last quarter of the 20th century. 6"x 8".

    "Lakomka" Honey Jar [Dulevo]

    Mishka Bear Cub Honey Jar "Lakomka". A whimsical and delightful all-porcelain honey jar depicts a cute bear cub licking his paw as a honey bee flies about round his head. Lakomka (Лакомка) means gourmand and who better than a bear cub to enjoy...
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