Product Description
Слово о полку Игореве в иллюстрациях и документах (Tale of Igor's Campaign in Pictures and Documents). Составитель: Олег Пини, Редактор: Дмитрий Лихачев, Иллюстратор:В. Михневич (Compiled by: Oleg Pini, Editor: Dmitry Likhachev, Illustrator: V. Mikhnevich). Leningrad: Издательство Детской литературы, 1958. Cloth bound hardcover issued (possibly) without a dustjacket. 1st edition. Lots of illustrations. In very good condition.
The Tale of Igor's Campaign is an anonymous epic medieval poem written circa 1187 in the Slavic language. The title can be translated as The Song of Igor's Campaign or The Lay of Igor's Campaign. It is an account of a failed raid by Igor Svyatoslavich, who died in 1202, against the Polovtsians of the Don River region. Alexander Borodin adapted the poem as an opera and titled it Prince Igor. It became a classic of the Russian theatre. This book, published in 1958, chronicles the growing interest in this greatest work of Old Russian literature. It is introduced by Dmitry Sergeyevich Likhachov (1906-1999), an outstanding scholar and the foremost expert on Old Russian language and literature. Furthermore, the book covers the culture of Russia prior to the Mongol invasions, the first printing of "The Tale", and the "golden words" of Russian literature in both domestic and foreign cultures.