Product Description
Volzhanka (Волжанка). This all-too cute nesting doll from Kalinin is named after Russia's most famous river: The Volga. She is different in style from Viatka (aka Kirov or Nolinsk), Semenov or Polkh-Maidan dolls. The wood is linden and many of the decorative elements are burnt in. The colors are bright and traditional and the paint thickly applied. 3 nest, 4¼" down to 1¾".
The Kalinin dolls (Калининская Матрешка) were named after the city of Kalinin, which is situated on the Upper Volga River. After 1991, many cities given Soviet names reverted back to their pre-Soviet ones. Kalinin became Tver, which was its original medieval moniker.
Note: this matryoshka actually was made in the late 1980s and then imported to the US around 1992. "Made in Russia" is stamped with in purple on the bottom of the first doll.