Product Description
A Little Man with a Marigold (Мужичок с ноготок). A beloved poem by N. A. Nekrasov (1821-1878) from the collection "Peasant Children" (Крестьянские дети) published in 1861.
Fine detail. From Bogorodsk, Moscow region. No markings indicating it was made for export. Probably 1970's or slightly later. Horse has be re-glued to base. Hand carved lime wood, discrete "brush" sticks, whip (that trails from little man's hand, leather and string. Man is pegged. In very good condition. Unusual piece. 11½"x 6¾" x 2¾".
One day, in the cold of winter, I left the forest where there was a severe frost. I saw a horse rising slowly up the hill pulling a cart with brushwood. Marching importantly, and leading the horse by the bridle (or is it the other way around?) is a small peasant in big boots and short sheepskin coat with mittens and a marigold. I cried out: "Is this a joke? Where are you from?" And the small boy answered quietly: "My father cuts them down and I deliver them home."
Мужичок с ноготок
Как забуду! В студеную пору
Вышла из лесу в сильный мороз.
Поднимался медлительно в гору
Упоительный хвороста воз.
И плавнее летающей птицы
Лошадь вел под уздцы мужичок.
Выше локтя на нем рукавицы,
Полушубок на нем с ноготок.
Задыхаясь, я крикнула: - Шутка!
Ты откуда? Ответь! Я дрожу! -
И сказал мне спокойно малютка:
- Папа рубит, а я подвожу!