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Books for Children

Books include Fairy Tale and Folk Tales in English and in Russian. Suitable for children (and grownups). Some are vintage and some are current. 

  • A Merry Journey (Веселое путешествие). Victor Pekelis (Виктор Давыдович Пекелис) (1921-1997). Illustrations by Dmitry Spiridonovich Bisti (Дмитрий Спиридонович Бисти) (1925-1990) throughout. A collection of 16 short stories in Russian, including "Smart Cars", "Foam Houses", "On the Moon", "City in the Sky", and more prescient stories. Detgiz, 1961. 56 pages. Pictorial stiff cardboard covers. Raspberry red endpapers.

    A Merry Journey (Веселое путешествие) 1961 [IN RUSSIAN]

    A Merry Journey (Веселое путешествие). Victor Pekelis (Виктор Давыдович Пекелис) (1921-1997). Illustrations by Dmitry Spiridonovich Bisti (Дмитрий Спиридонович Бисти) (1925-1990) throughout. A collection of 16 short stories in Russian, including "Smart...
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  • A.N. Afanasyev. Russian folk tales. IN RUSSIAN. Goslitizdat, 1957. Volume 2 only. 510 pages. Editor, preface and notes by V. Ya. Propp. Classic collection of over 100 tales in Russian. (See pics of index.)

    Russian Folk Tales, Afanasyev [IN RUSSIAN]

    A.N. Afanasyev. Russian folk tales. IN RUSSIAN. Goslitizdat, 1957. Volume 2 only. 510 pages. Editor, preface and notes by V. Ya. Propp. Classic collection of over 100 tales in Russian. (See pics of index.) Vintage printing. Hardcover, spine repaired with...
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  • Picture Tales from the Russian. Valery Carrick. NY: Frederick A. Stokes, no date (1913). 120 pages. Vertical 12mo with red cloth binding.

    Picture Tales from the Russian [1913]

    Picture Tales from the Russian. Valery Carrick. Translated by Nevill Forbes. 11 charmingly illustrated fairy and folk tales. The Gold Egg, The Little House, The Cock, the Cat, and the Fox, The Fox and the Pot, The Crane and the Heron, Snowflake, The Bun,...
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  • Queen of Spades and Other Stories. Alexander Pushkin

    Queen of Spades and Other Stories [Pushkin]

    Queen of Spades and Other Stories. Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) was Russia’s greatest poet and as well as a versatile writer who influenced all of modern Russian literature, producing short stories that are masterpieces of the craft. Besides the...
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  • SALE
    The Golden Cockerel: From the Original Russian Fairy Tale of Alexander Pushkin (Dover Children's Classics, 2013). Elaine Pogany (Author), Willy Pogany (Illustrator).

    The Golden Cockerel [Pogany]

    The Golden Cockerel: From the Original Russian Fairy Tale of Alexander Pushkin (Dover Children's Classics, 2013). Elaine Pogany (Author), Willy Pogany (Illustrator). Paperback, 48 pages. Full-page color images, along with striking black-and-white...
    Was: $14.95
    Now: $12.00
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  • Fox, Beaver and others. Fables.

    Fox, Beaver and others. Fables RUSSIAN

    Лиса, бобер и другие: Басни, фельетоны, шутки (Fox, beaver and others: Fables, satires and jests). Сергей Михалков Sergei Mikhalkov. Молодая гвардия, 1960. Small format hardcover, 176 pages. All the very best fables of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov...
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  • Театр для малышей

    Children's Theater RUSSIAN [Театр для малышей]

    Георгий Генов. Театр для малышей (Children's theater). IN RUSSIAN. Teaches how to to arrange a table theater, a theater-book, a puppet stage, a puppet theater, and a shadow theater. Given for each type is a diverse repertoire, patterns and drawings, and...
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  • В нашем театре. Пьесы, сцены, шутки для школьной самодеятельности.

    In our theater RUSSIAN [В нашем театре]

    В нашем театре: пьесы, сцены, шутки для школьной самодеятельности. (Сборник).  (In our theater: plays, scenes, jokes for school amateur performances.) IN RUSSIAN. Moscow: Детская литература 1966, 1966. Stiff boards hardcover, 176 pages...
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  • Favorite Russian Fairy Tales

    Favorite Russian Fairy Tales

    Favorite Russian Fairy Tales. Children's Thrift Classics. Unabridged and In Easy-to-Read Type. Six classic Russian Fairy Tales including Baba Yaga, Sadko, The Firebird and Princess Vasilissa, Alyonushka and Her Brother, (Father) Frost and...
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  • The Firebird and Other Russian Fairy Tales

    The Firebird and Other Russian Fairy Tales

    The Firebird and Other  Russian Fairy Tales. Nine classic Russian Fairy Tales including The Golden (Magic) Fish, Baba Yaga, Sadko, The Firebird and Princess Vasilissa, Prince Ivan, (Father) Frost and three more. Several black and white illustrations...
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  • Full-color Russian Matryoshka stickers

    Russian Nesting Dolls Stickers

    Russian Nesting Dolls Stickers.  Full-color sticker activity set includes 11 medium-sized Matryoshka dolls in all variations as well as balalaika, traditional wooden figurines like chicks and painted eggs, flowers and even a bowl of Borsht. 25...
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