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  • Fox, Beaver and others. Fables.

    Fox, Beaver and others. Fables RUSSIAN

    Лиса, бобер и другие: Басни, фельетоны, шутки (Fox, beaver and others: Fables, satires and jests). Сергей Михалков Sergei Mikhalkov. Молодая гвардия, 1960. Small format hardcover, 176 pages. All the very best fables of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov...
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  • Вещий Олег (Prophet Oleg)

    Prophet Oleg RUSSIAN

    Вещий Олег (The Prophet Oleg) by Boris Lvovich Vasiliev (1924-2013) written in 1996. Oleg of Novgorod was a Varangian prince who ruled during the late 9th and early 10th centuries. He was a relative (brother-in-law) of the first ruler, Rurik. In the...
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  • Брат на брата, Красное солнышко, Прельщение литовское (Historical stories)

    Historical stories RUSSIAN

    Брат на брата (Brother to brother) by N.A. Alekseev-Kungurtsev (1871-1905) written in 1900. A novel about the reign of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dimitry Ioannovich (XIV century) and the strengthening of Moscow and the resistance of Ryazan and Tver, who...
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  • Слово о полку Игореве в иллюстрациях и документах

    Tale of the Host of Igor (Слово о полку Игореве )

     Слово о полку Игореве в иллюстрациях и документах (Tale of Igor's Campaign in Pictures and Documents). Составитель: Олег Пини, Редактор: Дмитрий Лихачев, Иллюстратор:В. Михневич (Compiled by: Oleg Pini, Editor: Dmitry Likhachev, Illustrator: V...
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  • Записки из мертвого дома (House of the Dead)

    Dostoevsky House of the Dead YMCA [RUSSIAN]

    Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky). Записки из мертвого дома (House of the Dead). IN RUSSIAN. Originally published in 1860-62, House of the Dead is a semi-autobiographical novel portraying the life of convicts in a Siberian...
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