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Vintage Editions

As the title says, older books...significantly older. 1 copy only (usually).

  • Memoirs of Count Bernstorff. Translated from the German by Eric Sutton. Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff (1862-1939) was a German ambassador, politician, and all-around prime mover and shaker in the early 20th century. NY: Random House, 1936. 1st American edition. Black cloth hardcover. Frontis photo of Bernstorff and 5 more photos. Index, appendix. 383 pages.

    Memoirs of Count Bernstorff [1936]

    Memoirs of Count Bernstorff. Translated from the German by Eric Sutton. Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff (1862-1939) was a German ambassador, politician, and all-around prime mover and shaker in the early 20th century. His father, Albrecht Graf von...
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  • Tatiana Tchernavin. Escape from the Soviets. Tchcernavin (1887-1971) wrote one of the earliest accounts of escaping the Soviet Gulag system, along with her husband Vladimir V. Tchernavin. Both were arrested in the early 1930s

    Escape from the Soviets [1934]

    Tatiana Tchernavin. Escape from the Soviets. Tchernavin (1887-1971) wrote one of the earliest accounts of escaping the Soviet Gulag system, along with her husband Vladimir V. Tchernavin. Both were arrested in the early 1930s, and her husband was...
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  • The Autobiography of John Hays Hammond. Volume II. NY: Farrar, Rinehart, 1935. First edition. Green cloth hardcover, gilt title on front cover.

    Autobiography of John Hays Hammond [1935]

    The Autobiography of John Hays Hammond. Volume II. NY: Farrar, Rinehart, 1935. First edition. Green cloth hardcover, gilt title on front cover, gilt titles on spine (not very visible due to sunning). Illustrations, bibliography and an extensive index...
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  • Kyra Petrovskaya (1918-2018) was a Russian-American actress and author. Her autobiography chronicles Russian history from 1920 to the present day.

    Kyra Petrovskaya [1961]

    Kyra Petrovskaya (1918-2018) was a Russian-American actress and author. Her autobiography chronicles Russian history from 1920 to the present day. She was descended from nobility, had a stage career in Russia, and ultimately survived the Siege of...
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  • Journey Among Warriors [Eve Curie]

    Journey Among Warriors [Eve Curie]

    Journey Among Warriors [Eve Curie]. Eve Curie was the daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie, the discoverers of radium and Nobel Prize winners. As a news correspondent, her journey begins as the world is mired in war for just over two years, during which...
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  • Galicia and Moldavia Travel Letters [Kelsiev]

    Galicia and Moldavia Travel Letters [Kelsiev] IN RUSSIAN

    Galicia (Galichina) and Moldavia (Moldova). Travel Letters. (Галичина и Молдавия. Путевые письма.) Vasily Ivanovich Kelsiev. (Василий Иванович Кельсиев.) IN RUSSIAN. Originally published in St. Petersburg in 1868 by V.I. Golovin. Reprinted by The...
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  • The Native's Return (Louis Adamic) 1934

    The Native's Return (Louis Adamic) 1934

    Louis Adamic. The Native's Return: An American Immigrant Visits Yugoslavia And Discovers His Old Country. An autobiography and historical travel guide in three parts: Home Again in Carniola, The Coast and Mountain Regions, Belgrade and Croatia and a...
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  • Peter The Great [H. Lamb, 1948]

    Peter The Great [H. Lamb, 1948]

    The City And The Tsar. Peter The Great And The Move To The West (1748-1762). Harold Albert Lamb's (1892-1962) prose is direct and fast-paced, well-researched and accurate to the time period. This is one of Lamb's scarcer titles. (A good synopsis of his...
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