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What color is Russian winter?

What color is Russian winter? (hint: it isn't white)

Winter in much of Russia brings deep snow that covers everything for as far as the eye can see. At this time of year the beloved birch tree practically blends in with its surroundings, and the tall, dark trees of the great forests are a strong contrast to the bright white snow. On the other hand, the subdued colors of the magnificent firs and evergreen pines somewhat enliven the otherwise monotonous white that pervades all of the outdoors.

But indoors it's an entirely different story. Bright colors abound: yellow, orange, green, violet, blue, and especially red, for the color red and the Russian’s concept of beauty share the same Russian word, krasnaya. Inside a Russian home colors are painted everywhere, on the walls and doors, on trim around windows and ceilings; they take the forms of flowers, berries, leaves, vines, scrolls, and simple, or elaborate patterns. In addition, the porcelain, china, handmade souvenirs, wooden carvings, tables, chairs ...practically everything is colorfully decorated, most assuredly, in part, to ward off the drab, colorless, long winter, but probably more so because of the Russian's very strong love for color and nature. Even their bedding and the heavy drapes that cover windows and doors to keep out the bitter cold are printed with bright colorful floral, or geometric prints. When the drapes are pulled open, glorious sunshine enters the room and sparkles off the myriad colors, and it's as if Spring has come to warm and lift the spirits of the residents (just imagine doing that and you'll understand that there's also a therapeutic side to connecting with the color around you.)

Some homeowners take the color outside by painting their houses in bright, vibrant colors. All surfaces are coated with color, from the foundation to the roof (if it lends itself to being painted, otherwise a decorative element such as a cupola or windsock is sure to be brightly colored.) To come upon such a house in the dead of winter is like coming upon a crocus, or a tulip emerging from beneath the snow. Even if it's January, such a colorful sight suggests the warm, lazy days of Russian summer.

So, what color is Russian winter? Answer: as many colors as there are under the sun.